Teachers Are Your Greatest Asset.

Support their personal and professional growth—and boost retention—with edwell coaching.

Nearly one-third of teachers are contemplating leaving the profession and 31% of teachers who plan to quit cite 'wellbeing' as their motivation.

—McKinsey & Company, 2023

Equitable, sustainable schools are truly possible when we sustain and support our educators.

When you integrate edwell personalized coaching with existing instructional professional learning, educators develop the skills and strategies to better support themselves, their teaching, and their students—leading to a more positive, productive school community.

Our expert coaches—who are experienced educators themselves—help cultivate educator wellbeing in service of effective teaching. edwell personalized coaching:

  • Reduces costly turnover and absences

  • Combats stress and burnout

  • Empowers and motivates educators

  • Fosters stronger relationships with students and colleagues

  • Creates equitable learning environments

  • Maximizes time and resources

edwell Services

  • Your district, Charter Management Organization, or school can offer personalized coaching to your entire staff as part of your professional learning or employee wellness program. edwell handles all aspects of the program, from enrolling staff and managing coaching appointments to tracking and reporting the impact of the sessions.

    Partnerships include:

    An optional site visit—in person or via Zoom to kick off the partnership

    A 60–90 minute Fundamentals of Wellbeing workshop for your entire team

    Access to our secure online platform for educators to schedule and attend coaching sessions

    Your organization can choose to offer unlimited coaching to your team or a set number of sessions for each staff member. All sessions are 50 minutes and completely confidential.

Benefits of edwell Personalized Coaching

Improve Teacher Effectiveness
edwell personalized coaching helps educators build the confidence, positive habits, and effective strategies necessary to deliver the high-quality instruction and social-emotional support students need.

Boost Teacher Retention and Attendance
Our expert coaches honor and meet educators where they are, helping them to manage the demands of the profession and come to school each day with a positive mindset and the ability to deliver excellent instruction.

Create Safe and Equitable Schools
Our transformative coaching program empowers educators to form deeper, more productive bonds with colleagues and students, creating a more sustainable, equitable learning environment for everyone.

Enhance the Impact of Instructional PD
edwell coaching integrates with existing instructional professional learning—educators enhance their professional practice by cultivating interpersonal, emotional, problem-solving, and goal-setting skills.

Maximize Time and Resources
edwell enrolls teachers, helps them find their ideal expert coach, manages scheduling, and tracks the impact of interactions. After the initial set-up, there is zero administrative effort required by your team.

“Teaching should be a dynamic, rewarding, collaborative, and sustainable profession, with a diverse force of educators who have the support and guidance they need to have the greatest positive impact on student learning and well-being.”

—Coalition to Redesign the Teaching Profession